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The Confirmation program for 7th and 8th grades is a two year commitment culminating with each individual’s affirmation of their Christian faith and full membership in GCC.

Confirmands meet each Sunday morning at 8:45 a.m. for opening prayer and 9:00 a.m. class time for intensive study, exploration and articulation of various aspects of their beliefs. The theme for 7th grade is “The Confirmation Journey Begins” as they learn about the purpose of the church in their lives. The 8th grade theme is “Taking My Place” in the church and in the world as they discover who they are and what gifts they have to offer.

In addition, students are required to attend a number of worship services at GCC and write reflection sheets on their experience. Students will visit other places of worship, participate in meaningful service projects, attend retreats, and learn in fellowship with their peers.

Approximately 70 of these students participate in the program which is taught in small classes by dedicated members of the congregation under the design and leadership of Rev. Pamela Keckler.

The 6th graders are included in the worship, mission, and social aspects of the Middle School program at GCC, but have a separate pre-confirmation class each Sunday morning using the theme “Exploring Our Faith”.

The Middlers do a monthly mission project together as well as meet regularly for fellowship and social events.    


Glenview Community Church • 1000 Elm Street • Glenview, Illinois 60025 • 847.724.2210